Question for Circuit Dojo Community, though Jared most likely to know, where in the pyrinas driver project is CONFIG_AQW symbol defined? Cloning and search this project for the symbol, I find only one instance of it:
ted@localhost:~/projects/embedded/ncs/zephyr/samples/sandbox-de-ted/pyrinas$ grep -nr CONFIG_AQW ./*
./CMakeLists.txt:10:add_subdirectory_ifdef(CONFIG_AQW lib)

    Variables with CONFIG_ prefixes get defined in kconfig files. Search for config AQW and you’ll get your answer. 🙂


      I searched for the pattern ‘config AQW’ a day ago, closest I find is menuconfig AQW in pyrinas project’s ./lib/Kconfig. Does ‘menuconfig <driver_name>’ count the same as ‘config <driver_name>’?

      Is it permissible to put underscores in driver names, e.g. “kx132_1211”?

      • Ted

        tedhavelka66 yup that’s the one. You can experiment with naming. Underscores should be ok but you should double check as Zephyr has some interesting dash/underscore conventions.

          Is your SHTC3 driver an “out of tree” driver with respect to Zephyr RTOS?

          So over the past five days, I have had in my driver’s deepest directory a Kconfig file which contains:

          1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
          3 config KX132_1211
          4 bool "KX132-1211 accelerometer"
          5 depends on I2C
          6 help
          7 Enable Kionix KX132-1211 accelerometer

          This was all the more I saw in some other specific driver Kconfig files. At one point I had line 3 entered as menuconfig KX132_1211, which matches the SHCT3 specific driver Kconfig. With both these versions of the line “config” and “menuconfig” I encounter the build error “warning: attempt to assign the value ‘y’ to the undefined symbol KX132_1211”.

          Today I found and cloned a Zephyr example “driver out of tree” application, available at I cloned this next to my driver work, which builds so long as I do not attempt to set CONFIG_KX132_1211 to any value. When I build this example app whose dir structure pretty much matches pyrinas, and my own present Kionix app, I get the very same error:

          /home/ted/projects/embedded/ncs/zephyr/samples/sandbox-de-ted/example-application/app/prj.conf:7: warning: attempt to assign the value 'y' to the undefined symbol EXAMPLESENSOR

          This is an example, driver-out-of-tree application provided by Zephyr organization itself. I can build Zephyr inclusive apps with in-tree drivers, but thus far I cannot build apps with out-of-tree drivers. I can build many of the sample apps in Nordic ncs SDK 1.6.1.

          Is there a clue here from Zephyr’s app build failure that something in the larger toolchain and SDK spaces is malconfigured?

          • Ted
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