I have a nRF9160 Thing Plus (separately having trouble setting up the development environment per the Sparkfun tutorial, failing during “west update”.)
I really only want to use the 9160 as a modem, so I attempted to use pre-built images:
1) Installed the pre-built Bootloader (v2) from https://docs.jaredwolff.com/nrf9160-downloads.html with a Segger jlink. (since somewhere along the line, I over-wrote the factory install)
2) When I boot the device and connect Putty, I see the device boot and messages from the accelerometer.
3) Install the pre-built AT Client, https://docs.jaredwolff.com/files/at-client-v1.3.2.bin via:
newtmgr -c serial image upload at-client-v1.3.2.bin
4) Reset the board
5) Open LTE Link Monitor, following the settings guidance at: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/nrf9160-thing-plus-hookup-guide#example---at-client-sample. I am able to select the board in the pulldown.
6) All commands timeout
2) suggests the board is functional.
3) was error free, so I assume the install was good
There are no LEDs lit and commands AT, AT+CFUN?, AT+CFUN=1 timeout.
Any suggestions on what I should try next ? Thx.