I’m having trouble understanding the behavior behind the green LED.
I have several batteries of the same design. 3.7v, 2200mAh 8.14Wh batteries that I’m using with my feather board.
The fresh batteries (unused) that are connected to the feather with a USB-C connection have a green LED that shows. I assume this is a charging indicator.
After some amount of time (1 day) the green LED goes away, and I can no longer get it to show. I can not tell if the battery is charging anymore.
I then put the feather board on battery power, and it appears to be working for some time though it is powering off prematurely given what I would expect for the 2200mAh rating. I try to recharge the battery through the feather board and it appears that it may be charging since the board will then work again on battery power for another hour or two after a few minutes of charging, but the green LED never appears.
What might be my issue here? Does the green LED go away on a full charge. Does the lack of a green LED with a battery+USB connected mean that it is unable to charge? Might I have defective batteries?