Hi Jared- I have been testing my stacked setup and it’s been working very well using my Github code (https://github.com/smeisner/AirQualityWing). But I was encountering a problem and wanted to get your take on it.

So far, my testing has been using the following (stacked in the order shown):

  • Adafruit OLED FeatherWing
  • HUZZAH32
  • AQW
  • LiPO Battery connected to the HUZZAH32

When I use power via the HUZZAH32 USB port it runs forever. But when I switch to the LiPO battery only (power only applied to VBAT), the V5V0_HAT voltage going to the HPMA is around 2V. Clearly not enough to power it so the code fails to read data from it.

After isolating much of the circuits, I finally determined if I break the VBUS connection and apply 4v0 to VBAT everything works fine. All other pins between the AQW and the HUZZAH32 are connected:

12 Pin connector:

1 (VBAT)
8 (SENSORS_VCC ... although unused)
11 (SCL)
12 (SDA)

16 Pin connector:

2 (3v3)
4 (GND)
14 (RX)
15 (TX)

Any ideas why when the VBUS pin is connected between the uController and the AQW the V5V0 voltage drops to an unacceptable level?

    @meisner my guess is that the HPMA boost control pin (D5) is getting clobbered by some other feature on another one of your feathers. Hope that helps 😃

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