I am able to build the sample programs following the instructions on the “hookup guide” page, but it involves downloading an old version of Zephyr and using a lot of customizations for the Nordic. Because this runs Zephyr, I figured that I didn’t need Nordic-specific stuff. I’ve been trying to use a recent version of Zephyr (with its own samples), but it appears that the Nordic-specific customizations (such as the *.cmake files that get included from the standard boilerplate.cmake file) are critical to building something that runs on the Sparkfun board.
Is there any guide for working with the Sparkfun Thing+ nRF9160, when starting from a “stock” Zephyr build environment? Or should just accept that I need to build using this older, customized Zephyr environment?
Please excuse what might be a really basic question, as I am relatively new to Zephyr. Thank you!