
when compiling the gps sample (branch V1.9) I get the error below:

[11/151] Building C object zephyr/arch/arch/arm/co…archarmcoreaarch32cortex_m.dir/fault.c.objninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 1: ‘C:\Users\gerber.zephyrtools\cmake\cmake-3.22.0-windows-x86_64\bin\cmake.EXE’ –build ‘C:\nrf9160Feather\nfed\samples\gps\build’

any idea what I’m missing?

    Hi gerber

    The GPS sample isn’t updated yet. 1.7.x is the default and supported branch right now.

      gerber I just updated the v1.9.x branch so all builds succeed (including the GPS sample) I’ll double check it tomorrow but hopefully that will give you some choices if you’d like to use something newer!

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