Hi Jared,
Just so that it’s available for Zephyr folks in general. Of course, I understand if you don’t want that in the main Zephyr repo.
I’m interested in purchasing a couple of the AQW boards and Honeywell dust sensors for testing with Particle Argon and Boron, then later with a nRF9160 Feather.
I have some AQW questions.
Initially, I’ll be using Particle Argon and Boron with the latest Device OS 5.3 (and 4.x LTS). I guess, I won’t be able use my Xenon boards as the last Xenon compatible Device OS was 1.5.2 (and 1.5.4-rc2).
From the your docs, it looks like you may have used AQW with Xenon / Device OS. Will AQW work with Xenon & Device OS 1.5.x? Particle still provide Device OS 1.5.x download.
If above doesn’t work, I can always use a Xenon board with Zephyr RTOS. I have dozen or more Xenons that I use for Zephyr dev. Zephyr is my preferred RTOS for all Nordic nRF SoCs, Raspberry Pi Pico and STM32.
Will the AQW V6 board plus Particle board and Honeywell sensor all fit in your AQW enclosure? If so, then I can get a couple of AQW enclosures 3D printed.
It looks like AQW BLE is only supported under Zephyr and not Arduino AQW library. Correct?
You wouldn’t happen to have any of the earlier version of AQW with the wider board kicking around?
Can the deprecated air-quality-wing-code be used with Arduino IDE / Particle Xenon board? Only asking, as I have quite a few spare Xenons.
I’ve been going through your AQW library/demo code for Zephyr and Particle Workbench. AQW library and demo compiled fine with the latest Device OS 5.3 for Argon and Boron. Next, I’ll compile AQW library/demo for Zephyr 3.3. For me, AQW is a great example of how you’ve written an out of tree Zephyr driver. Much appreciative of your detailed and thorough documentation on AQW.
I really like your excellent documentation. As always, it’s very concise and easy to follow. I’m looking forward to ordering AQW and dust sensors once I’ve reviewed and built the code. Some much great stuff to do, including working with Grafana-InfluxDB again, plus Goliath.
Thank you for all your efforts.