Our objective: each sensor has their own nrf52dk_52328, so temperature sensor, acceloremeter(mpu6050), color sensor (tcs3200), so we have 3 sensor devices that should advertise their sensor data through beacons services.
And then there is another nrf52dk_52328 acts as a central device to listen those beacon advertisings and forwards those data to icarus iot board (nrf9160). We physically wire nrf52dk (central) and icarus iot board, with uart. The icarus iot board forwards the received data to a webserver via http post request.
We tried peripheral_uart and central_uart (for nrf52dk) which provides nordic uart services but it is not suitable as the type of connection is a bit different, there is only one peripheral device can be connected to a central device. That is why we moved to just beacons as there are 3 devices are advertising their sensor data, they are not dependent on central device and should advertise independently.
Do you have any suggestions which sample code would fit for icarus iot board for uart communication and sending over http? Could you please also advise if we are moving correctly, for example could you please advise if bluetooth side should be started from different samples? what samples we should use and combine?