Last week, randomly after flashing the nRF board with our code, the blue LED on the feather won’t turn off. I have tried many methods to turn off the LED but can’t seem to find any fixes.
I recently purchased a nRF9160 Feather board (V5) and it has been working very well using both the nfed samples and also creating my own applications from the nRF SDK’s AWS-IoT samples.
I typically place the board into bootloader mode physically (pressing the buttons), but sometimes use the zephyr tools command. Putting the device into bootloader still works using both method. I can’t physically tell it’s in bootloader since the blue LED is always on, however, I can tell by code not uploading to the board.
Things I have done to try turn the blue led off.
- Reset the board with the reset button.
- Reset the board using zephyr-tools.
- Flash a new nRF Modem firmware on the board.
- Flash a blinky example (and variations of) from the nfed sample.
- Create a simple application that sends the LED pin to both LOW and HIGH (neither work).
- Power the board off battery only.
- Upload random examples from different SDKs (e.g. circuit dojo’s repo and nrf’s SDK) that shouldn’t require the blue LED to be on.
Despite trying all the above, the blue LED won’t seem to turn off. There seems to be no physical damage or shorts to the board.
The device overlay files from the original circuit dojo repo haven’t been altered in anyway. I did play around with the device overlay files for my own custom applications.
Wasn’t sure what files/code to attach since it’s not a specific code issue. Happy to send through any debugging logs or code.
Apologies if this is a very simple fix. I am new to the embedded software space and have been learning about it over the last few weeks. I appreciate in advance any help!