By analogy
I failed to see anything with 52840dk and the lvgl library from the out of the box example.
There was also a failure with the 3_5-TFT-buydisplay from the out of the box example.
Apparently due to a mismatch between the initialization of ili9488 and what I have ili9486.
Building the my application by example_template - error
“given in ZEPHYR_EXTRA_MODULES, is not a valid zephyr module”
Building the application from air-quality-wing-zephyr-drivers - exactly the same error.
The file structure and content my app is the same as in nrf9160-feather-examples-and-drivers-2.4.x or air-quality-wing-zephyr-drivers
The content is only changed to my names.
In other words CMakeLists.txt and Kconfig are almost identical.
The drivers\display\ *.c and *.h folder is the same in structure as
drivers\hpma115s0 in air-quality-wing-zephyr-drivers.
The module.yml file in the zephyr folder is identical.
But the project does not build with the error
“C:/zephyrproject/applications/LCDtest/drivers, given in ZEPHYR_EXTRA_MODULES, is not a valid zephyr module.”
I can build Zephyr examples by copying the folder to C:/zephyrproject/applications.
What could be the reason for the error?