Hi, I was having trouble driving pin P0.30 as an output on the nRF9160 Feather and I discovered a mismatch between the schematic and device tree. So on the schematic, INT1 is connected to P0.30 through a normally closed jumper, and INT2 is “connected” to P0.29 through a normally open jumper. However, in the device tree definition, P0.29 is defined as the interrupt source for the lis2dh:

irq-gpios = <&gpio0 29 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;

This was confusing for me as I was trying to drive P0.30 as a GPIO output as it shows up as unallocated in the Nordic device tree visulaizer thing, However I could only drive it to 70mV since as I later found out, it is by default physically connected to the INT1 pin of the lis2dh.

    4 days later

    If you need to use P0.30 simply cut the trace located near the accelerometer on the back side of the board. That should free it up for use. Hope that helps!

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