We chose a Sparkfun Thing Plus breakout board because it contains only the components needed to function and includes Nordic Semiconductor’s fantastic cellular modem nRF9160.
Sparkfun recommended Circuit Dojo for technical help, which offers a software installation instruction as well as various samples. We are very interested in the HTTP Post Messages application.
Unfortunately, Circuito Dojo’s technical support falls short; each inquiry might take up to two weeks to be reviewed, and their responses do not help to correct errors.
We have been submitting questions in the forum for more than three months now, and the responses are like, “You should check the XYZ file”, but this doesn’t help in any way to solve the problem.
For the reasons stated above, I strongly advise “PLEASE DON’T BUY THE nRF9160 THING PLUS, UNLESS YOU ARE A ZEPHYR EXPERT” because there is no true technical support or even a method to study Zephyr.
You must be a Zephyr expert to understand how to use the “nRF9160 Thing Plus” card. We can keep asking for help, but things aren’t improving.