
I have a big problem with the new boards I have ordered. It looks like there is a difference between v05 and v06.
On all boards I have upgraded the modem firmware to versione 1.3.6.

The problem is as follow, with GPS: after the SUPL client downloads the satellite informations, i am not able to get fixes. It always report traking:0.

I have checked the antenna connector, and while tracking there is no 3.3V.
With v05 revision i get the 3.3V voltage on the connectror.

Please can you help in debugging this issue? I was not expecting differences, and It is urgent.

Thank you very much

    Hi @PaoloZigoni

    There shouldn’t be any differences related to GPS from v5 to v6. Are you attempting to get a GPS fix inside a building? Generally, it’s very difficult to get a fix while inside. I go outside with direct line of sight to the sky to double check GPS.

    What type of antenna are you using? Can you share a part number?

    Do you have this in your prj.conf or board config overlay boards/circuitdojo_feather_nrf9160_ns.conf?

    # GPS Antenna configuration
      jaredwolff changed the title to GPS not working with HW version 6 .

        Hello Jared,

        thanks for the quick feedback.
        The problem is not related to the GPS signal, as I am in open sky conditions.
        I have tried to add the two settings you suggested to my prj.com, and now I see the 3.3V on the antenna connector and it looks like it is working again.

        It is weird as those two configs were already present in the default configuration.
        I need to investigate on this.

        Thank you!

        You’re very welcome. Good luck with your demo!

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