I am having a problem flashing the feather.
I set up the project file with
Enable Zephyr application to be booted by MCUboot
After putting the board in DFU mode I type the following command
newtmgr -c serial6 image upload build/zephyr/app_update.bin
0 B / 169.01 KiB [——————————————————————————————-] 0.00%Error: NMP timeout
PS C:\nfed\nrf\applications\serial_lte_modem>
PS C:\nfed\nrf\applications\serial_lte_modem> newtmgr conn show
Connection profiles:
serial: type=serial, connstring=‘dev=COM5,baud=1000000’
serial1: type=serial, connstring=‘COM6’
serial6: type=serial, connstring=‘dev=COM6,baud=1000000’
PS C:\nfed\nrf\applications\serial_lte_modem>
app_update.bin is 170K
The device uses COM6.. Is the baud rate setup correctly?
How can I check that the device is in DFU mode? Is there a Led that indicates that the board is in the programming mode?