I just plugged my new nrf9160 feather in, installed the extension to vs code, and ran Zephyr Tools: Setup. It managed to download and install a couple things then hung on installing cmake.
[SETUP] downloading https://github.com/circuitdojo/zephyr-tools-cli/releases/download/0.1.7/zephyr-tools-0.1.7-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
tar -xvf “/Users/oh/.zephyrtools/downloads/zephyr-tools-0.1.7-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz” -C “/Users/oh/.zephyrtools/zephyr-tools”
[SETUP] downloading https://docs.jaredwolff.com/files/newtmgr/darwin/newtmgr.zip
[SETUP] unzip /Users/oh/.zephyrtools/downloads/newtmgr.zip to /Users/oh/.zephyrtools/newtmgr
[SETUP] downloading https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v3.22.0/cmake-3.22.0-macos-universal.tar.gz
I tried restarting and trying again. I also tried shutting down vs code, removing ~/.zephrytools starting vs code and trying again. It repeatably hangs, unfortunately.
I had been working on a nrf9160-dk from nordic. Could it be that existing setup is causing a conflict of some sort?
How do I get things going?
Thank you,