K2AAE https://docs.jaredwolff.com/nrf9160-sdk-setup-windows.html Seems to be a broken link: Then paste this url into the box and click ok. http://developer.nordicsemi.com/.pc-tools/toolchain/ncs-toolchain-v1.4.1-20201215-7ecf886-minimal.zip I used the nRF Connect v3.6.1 do download 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.99 (for nRF5340-PDK) each download is 2.6GB One path for everything (except jlink) D:\ncs\%ROOT%\toolchain\opt\bin ROOT is the Version Tag
jaredwolff Hmm I don’t think the link is broken. You and download the standard 1.4.1 version if you want or 1.4.2 either one should work. The “minimal” package doesn’t install Segger Studio.