I finally got my Feather and successfully loaded the blinky example (suggestion: in the documentation show which buttons to press)
I have an assortment of LTE antennas but I want to try with the one which came with the kit. I notice the box (which I can’t get) has the antenna “folded”. Is there a limit on how the antenna can be positioned since I am going to have to find my own box.
Another suggestion: programming via the JTG interface requires the TC2030-CTX-NL. I can’t find this and the closest thing I can get from Digikey is the TC2030-CTX which I am not sure is compatible and, in any event is $79 (!). I don’t see why you didn’t either put a normal header or bring the pins out somewhere. Even if I could find the right cable, $79 is a hell of a lot of money for a cable. It would also be helpful if you specified which version of the cable (there are two).
(An explanation of costs: buying from tag-connect will additionally cost shipping + “handling” by the courier which will likely amount to over $100 landed cost for the cable )