jaredwolff How old is the board you’re working with?

Purchased within the last year.

jaredwolff If you’re using VSCode Zephyr Tools you can invoke zephyr-tools-monitor to monitor a different BAUD

Ah ha!

> zephyr-tools-monitor --port COM3 --baud 1000000
Connected to COM3!
*** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.6.99-ncs1-1  ***
Flash regions           Domain          Permissions
00 03 0x00000 0x20000   Secure          rwxl
04 31 0x20000 0x100000  Non-Secure      rwxl

Non-secure callable region 0 placed in flash region 3 with size 32.

SRAM region             Domain          Permissions
00 07 0x00000 0x10000   Secure          rwxl
08 31 0x10000 0x40000   Non-Secure      rwxl

Peripheral              Domain          Status
00 NRF_P0               Non-Secure      OK
01 NRF_CLOCK            Non-Secure      OK
02 NRF_RTC0             Non-Secure      OK
03 NRF_RTC1             Non-Secure      OK
04 NRF_NVMC             Non-Secure      OK
05 NRF_UARTE1           Non-Secure      OK
06 NRF_UARTE2           Secure          SKIP
07 NRF_TWIM2            Non-Secure      OK
08 NRF_SPIM3            Non-Secure      OK
09 NRF_TIMER0           Non-Secure      OK
10 NRF_TIMER1           Non-Secure      OK
11 NRF_TIMER2           Non-Secure      OK
12 NRF_SAADC            Non-Secure      OK
13 NRF_PWM0             Non-Secure      OK
14 NRF_PWM1             Non-Secure      OK
15 NRF_PWM2             Non-Secure      OK
16 NRF_PWM3             Non-Secure      OK
17 NRF_WDT              Non-Secure      OK
18 NRF_IPC              Non-Secure      OK
19 NRF_VMC              Non-Secure      OK
20 NRF_FPU              Non-Secure      OK
21 NRF_EGU1             Non-Secure      OK
22 NRF_EGU2             Non-Secure      OK
23 NRF_DPPIC            Non-Secure      OK
24 NRF_REGULATORS       Non-Secure      OK
25 NRF_PDM              Non-Secure      OK
26 NRF_I2S              Non-Secure      OK
27 NRF_GPIOTE1          Non-Secure      OK

SPM: NS image at 0x20200
SPM: NS MSP at 0x20020760
SPM: NS reset vector at 0x225c9
SPM: prepare to jump to Non-Secure image.

Just restarted my system and tried again with the mfw_update. Still fails to program the device.

> python3 update_modem.py mfw_nrf9160_1.3.1.zip com3 1000000
# modem firmware upgrade over serial port example started.
[HighLevel] Creating new probe
[HighLevel] Initialize new probe.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Dll directory is C:\Users\barli\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\pynrfjprog\lib_x64.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Find and connect to dfu dll
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Using DFU dll at C:\Users\barli\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\pynrfjprog\lib_x64\NRFDFU.dll.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Load library at C:\Users\barli\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\pynrfjprog\lib_x64\NRFDFU.dll.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Library loaded, loading member functions.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Member functions succesfully loaded.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Initialize new probe.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Successfully opened port: com3@1000000,flow_control:none,parity:none.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] {
    "duration": 891,
    "error_code": "Ok",
    "operation": "open_uart",
    "outcome": "success",
    "progress_percentage": 100
[HighLevel] Probe initialization complete!
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Check if provided file exists
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Check if provided file can be read
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Programming bootloader
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Programming modem bootloader 72B3D7C.ipc_dfu.signed_1.1.0.ihex.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Extracting 13416 bytes from 72B3D7C.ipc_dfu.signed_1.1.0.ihex.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] {
    "duration": 0,
    "message": "Calculating image size",
    "operation": "upload_image",
    "progress_percentage": 5
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] {
    "duration": 1,
    "message": "Uploading image to device",
    "operation": "upload_image",
    "progress_percentage": 10
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] {
    "duration": 30004,
    "error_code": "Timeout",
    "message": "Image upload failed. Bad response from device",
    "operation": "upload_image",
    "outcome": "fail",
    "progress_percentage": 100
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Error during image file upload. Upload returned an error.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Failed to program bootloader file
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Failed to program DFU package
[HighLevel] Failed programming the device.
[Probes.com3] b'An error was reported by NRFJPROG DLL: -220 TIME_OUT. \n[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Error during image file upload. Upload returned an error.\n\textra: [Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Failed to program bootloader file\n\textra: [Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Failed to program DFU package\n\textra: [HighLevel] Failed programming the device.' 
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Uninitializing ModemUARTDFU probe at serial port com3.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Sending device reset request
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Sending reset request to device.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Closing connection to mcuboot device
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] serial port com3 closed.
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] {
    "duration": 1,
    "error_code": "Ok",
    "operation": "close_uart",
    "outcome": "success",
    "progress_percentage": 100
[HighLevel] Done.
[HighLevel] Closing and freeing sub dlls.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\David\Wildlife\DeterGents\ZephyrToolsRepo\nfed\samples\mfw_update\update_modem.py", line 43, in <module>
    run(args.uart, args.firmware, args.baudrate)
  File "D:\David\Wildlife\DeterGents\ZephyrToolsRepo\nfed\samples\mfw_update\update_modem.py", line 26, in run
  File "C:\Users\barli\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\pynrfjprog\HighLevel.py", line 388, in program
    raise APIError(result, error_data=self.get_errors(), log=self._logger.error)
pynrfjprog.APIError.APIError: An error was reported by NRFJPROG DLL: -220 TIME_OUT. 
[Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Error during image file upload. Upload returned an error.
        extra: [Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFU-com3] Failed to program bootloader file
        extra: [Probes.com3] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Failed to program DFU package
        extra: [HighLevel] Failed programming the device.

    Since you’re able to communicate with the device it’s probably not a USB issue. Just to confirm, you can flip the orientation of your USB connector (turn it 180 degrees from the way you were using it) to see if that makes an improvement.

    Do you only have one board to try this on Barliesque ?

      jaredwolff Just to confirm, you can flip the orientation of your USB connector

      With this device and USB cable I was able to install the Blinky and client_at projects, as well as upload the mfw_update app itself. Flipping the USB connector had no effect.

      jaredwolff Do you only have one board to try this on

      I have several devices on hand. I’ve just switched over to one of those and hit the same problem. This device is on COM11, so I used Zephyr Tools: Setup Newtmgr to switch to COM11, bauderate 1M. I installed the mfw_update app. Then used python3 update_modem.py mfw_nrf9160_1.3.1.zip com11 1000000 to attempt the upgrade. Same thing happens.

      I now have a second computer I’m in the process of getting set up for modem firmware updates. I’ve run into some problems getting computer #2 setup properly: The nfed folder doesn’t appear in VS Code, giving me no way of switching over to the mfw_update project.

      I’ve got one computer with which I can install the mfw_update. So I thought maybe I could use the other to perform the update. Here’s what happened there:

      > python3 update_modem.py mfw_nrf9160_1.3.1.zip com9 1000000
      # modem firmware upgrade over serial port example started.
      [HighLevel] Creating new probe
      [HighLevel] Initialize new probe.
      [Probes.com9] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Dll directory is C:\Users\usaf\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python39\site-packages\pynrfjprog\lib_x64.
      [Probes.com9] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Find and connect to dfu dll
      [Probes.com9] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Using DFU dll at C:\Users\usaf\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python39\site-packages\pynrfjprog\lib_x64\NRFDFU.dll.
      [Probes.com9] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Load library at C:\Users\usaf\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python39\site-packages\pynrfjprog\lib_x64\NRFDFU.dll.
      [Probes.com9] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] GetErrorInfo failed.
      [Probes.com9] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Failed to load dll at C:\Users\usaf\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python39\site-packages\pynrfjprog\lib_x64\NRFDFU.dll.
      [HighLevel] Failed while initializing probe.
      [Probes.com9] b'An error was reported by NRFJPROG DLL: -151 NRFJPROG_SUB_DLL_COULD_NOT_BE_OPENED. \n[Probes.com9] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] GetErrorInfo failed.\n\textra: [Probes.com9] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Failed to load dll at C:\\Users\\usaf\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\\LocalCache\\local-packages\\Python39\\site-packages\\pynrfjprog\\lib_x64\\NRFDFU.dll.\n\textra: [HighLevel] Failed while initializing probe.'
      [HighLevel] Closing and freeing sub dlls.
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "C:\Users\usaf\ncs\v1.7.1\nfed\samples\mfw_update\update_modem.py", line 43, in <module>
          run(args.uart, args.firmware, args.baudrate)
        File "C:\Users\usaf\ncs\v1.7.1\nfed\samples\mfw_update\update_modem.py", line 25, in run
          with HighLevel.ModemUARTDFUProbe(api, uart, baudrate) as modem_dfu_probe:
        File "C:\Users\usaf\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python39\site-packages\pynrfjprog\HighLevel.py", line 591, in __init__
          raise APIError(result, error_data=self.get_errors(), log=self._logger.error)
      pynrfjprog.APIError.APIError: An error was reported by NRFJPROG DLL: -151 NRFJPROG_SUB_DLL_COULD_NOT_BE_OPENED.
      [Probes.com9] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] GetErrorInfo failed.
              extra: [Probes.com9] [ModemUARTDFUProbe] Failed to load dll at C:\Users\usaf\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python39\site-packages\pynrfjprog\lib_x64\NRFDFU.dll.
              extra: [HighLevel] Failed while initializing probe.

        Barliesque if you got another machine to work, I expect to think it’s some type of issue with the Python library. In the case of the above, it looks like maybe you didn’t install the library?

        **Failed to load dll** at C:\Users\usaf\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python39\site-packages\pynrfjprog\lib_x64\NRFDFU.dll.

          I have installed python 3.9 from WIndows Store – on both machines.

            I’ve tried downgrading both machines with: pip install "pynrfjprog<10.14"
            Neither was able to complete the update.

            An error was reported by NRFJPROG DLL: -220 TIME_OUT.

              Barliesque I’m not sure how long you want to spend on this but my next step would be to reach out to Nordic since it’s their library.

              Alternatively, you may want to get your hands on a nRF9160dk so you can update modem firmware that way. Or, another alternative, you can send it my way and I can update the modem firmware for you. Let me know.

                jaredwolff Or, another alternative, you can send it my way and I can update the modem firmware for you.

                That is kind. Unfortunately, we haven’t got the time available for turnaround. Would you be up for checking things out directly with TeamViewer?

                  Success at last. I don’t have a clear picture of what exactly had to be done, as Brian got on with TeamViewer to have a poke around. Anyway, it looks like things are working at long last. Thank you, Jared, for your help.

                    Barliesque oh awesome. If you have an idea of what Brian did that would be helpful for everyone to know. Overall I’m glad you’re unstuck!!

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