We are building a product for a customer based on your board and initially using your tools; however, they are wary about the source of each step of the chain and have been auditing the process. Everything is pretty easy to put together because our development workflow doesn’t include your VSC plugin (although I’m pretty sure we do all the same steps) so it has amounted to keeping track of west, arm-none-eabi, etc. but the pain point seems to be newtmgr for us. Transparency at each level is a big deal for them, and we have heard similar from other potential clients.

We have been using a version of newtmgr that is available from the Sparkfun page, but it seems that it is hosted here at jaredwolff.com and it mentions that it is somehow customized. Is there somewhere that tracks how it has been customized and makes it easy to track changes, validate that it’s only doing what it says it does, etc? I’m not seeing a github repo for it anywhere, but that would make life much easier.

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