I am testing the nRF6190-Feather (first time).
Below is the VS Code term output:
Executing task: zephyr-tools -b
Device found but failed to open: Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform
Could not open device 10c4:ea60
Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
Executing task: newtmgr -c vscode-zephyr-tools image upload c:\Users\xxxxx\xxxx\nfed\samples\at_client\build\zephyr\app_update.bin -r 3 -t 0.25
114.29 KiB / 114.29 KiB [==============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 16.04 KiB/s 7s
- Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
- Executing task: newtmgr -c vscode-zephyr-tools reset
The second line is not very reassuring but given the rest succeeded, I assume the device is programmed.
When I connect to it via LTE Link Monitor, the serial port opens, but all AT commands time out.
On the left panel, UART | MODEM | UICC indicators are all red.
There’s an activated sim card installed on the device.
Any clue what may be missing? :