Will eSIM and remote provisioning be likely in upcomming versions of the feather?

Freeing the Feather to be remotely provisioned with any carrier that supports eSIMs would be a game changer in allowing carriers to be changed while the equipment is remote out in the field.

    Hey jhox616!

    Great suggestion. It’s been on my radar. Did you have an eSIM module in mind? Nordic also just showcased a 100% software SIM which is also interesting.

      Not sure about HW eSIMs but I would assume if Nordic offers an all SW option with their cellular modem then that would be the best bet saving on space and hopefully running on the same chip you use in the feather.
      I wonder if it would allow for remote provisioning via a FOTA update.
      This would open up the options for carriers and would free up PCB space in removing the SIM card slot 😊

        What would you add if anything with the additional space freed by the SIM card slot?

          Please, keep the SIM card slot, it’s anyway at the bottom, where space seems to be not an issue.
          In my experience of the last year (switching frommfw 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 an get the HPPLMN search for 9xxxx networks when using global SIMs (IMSI starting with 9xxxx)), it’s very important to be able to exchange the SIM card.

          Using eSIM or Soft SIM, will be great, but only if it really works for your use-case.

          That is a good point for many use cases the sim card slot will still be needed.

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