Is it possible to implement a normally closed loop on this feather board (without it drastically using more current)?

If the loop is broken ie goes open circuit, then would like it to wake-up and send a message.

Is this possible?

Also, what connectors are on the board for LTE? I Thingy91 uses a strange Muratta connector for the external LTE?

    Hey @mikcatta

    mikcatta Is it possible to implement a normally closed loop on this feather board (without it drastically using more current)?

    You’d have to use a GPIO interrupt which can run down to the (almost) lowest level of operation. I do have an example of how to set up GPIO interrupts in the nfed repository.

    mikcatta Also, what connectors are on the board for LTE? I Thingy91 uses a strange Muratta connector for the external LTE?

    The connectors for both the GPS and LTE are U.FL aka IPEX connectors. They’re pretty standard for devices across IoT. There’s even smaller variants like they use in phones but that wasn’t necessary here. 😀

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