
I’m trying to flash a nRF9160 ThingPlus using the instructions at

They indicate to set up serial like this:
newtmgr conn add serial type=serial connstring=‘dev=/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART,baud=1000000’

I’ve tried both this as well as replacing the dev= with the actual device targeted. Both respond with:
Error: Unknown baud rate 1000000

Some research suggests the non-standard baud rate may be causing the issue. Is there anyway around this other than using a different dev system? Will mac just not work here? Can I get the bootloader to run at 115200 and leave it there somehow? Can I target the device using an alternative method through VS Code?


    Hi icuhamW9

    This is because the Go driver that they used didn’t support or had plans to support more modern interfaces with the OS. I had to build a custom version which used a different serial implementation all together.

    If you want to download it manually here are some old instructions:


    Or if you’re paranoid like me you can always build it yourself:


      Thanks, I remember this custom driver now. I think my newtmgr got reloaded at some point along the way, but this worked perfectly!

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