We sincerely appreciate your assistance; we have completed all of your requests thus far.
We purchased the “SparkFun Thing Plus - nRF9160”, and support pointed us to circuitdojo.com. We sought assistance because we had no prior knowledge of Zephyr.
We need to create an application that sends a “Hello world” over https Post to say “website.com/rx_post.php”.
I found a web page that discusses the CONFIG_CLOUD_HOSTNAME and CONFIG_CLOUD_PUBLISH_PATH options.
I’m not sure how to configure, seems like i can use “CONFIG_CLOUD_HOSTNAME=website.com/rx_post.php”, however the second parameter was not found in the samples folders, the Nordic forum, or Zephyr. We don’t require JSON; we will use only text.
We already have a SIM that supports Cat M1, and we’ve successfully utilized it with the Sim7600G LTE modem and through Cat M1.