I was wondering about that. I should have tested it… I got a response from Nordic suggesting the following, which compiled, but it’s unclear if the device will actually work with these setting/driver. I have one on order to test…
I made the changes to the overlay in the base directory and it appears to have picked up the change, so it seems Zephyr will tolerate overlay files in the base directory.
It surprises me that there would be a devicetree definition without a driver… Seems both are required to do anything useful. But, I don’t fully understand everything behind the curtain…
Nordic Dev Zone:
_I think you get this error because it can’t find any driver for the device.
I can’t find any driver implementation for LSM6DSO32, although it has a devicetree definition, and there seems to be no reference to this in the Kconfig reference.
Adding “CONFIG_LSM6DSO=y” in the prj.conf, chanding DT overlay to "compatible = “st,lsm6dso”;" and changing main() to “DEVICE_DT_GET_ONE(st_lsm6dso);” resolves the build errors on my end, but I do not have the device to test if the application works with these changes._