First off thank you for such a great board. I’ve been using the nRF9160DK for development up until now. However I bought the feather because of the RTC and low power features for my requirement.
Anyhow, I received boards today but I cannot program them. Whenever I try and issue
newtmgr -c serial image upload build/zephyr/app_update.bin
I get the following error back
Error: Unknown baud rate 1000000
This is on an AppleMacBookPro Catalina 10.15.7. I installed newtmgr through brew, version 1.7.0.
I have been placing the device in DFU mode, green and blue led solid on.
I’ve tried the following.
- newtmgr serial config with no baud rate and nothing happens. It just doesn’t seem to communicate. However, I can run screen on the device and see accelerometer output for the default installed application. So I know the device is functioning and I can receive serial data. Green led on blue led flashing.
- Disabling the Apple built in driver bundle for the CP2102 “com.apple.DriverKit-AppleUSBSLCOM”. But that made no difference. I noticed this driver also appears in /dev/tty when the board is connected.
- I’ve installed the latest 6.x driver from Silicon Labs. So I have /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART .
Things I have not tried.
- Programming on Windows. Maybe this is just and Apple problem.
- This forum 🙂
At first I thought it was a driver issue, but maybe now thinking this is a newtmgr problem.
Any suggestions on what the problem could be ?