I’m getting some data from the accelerometer but am not sure how to interpret it:
#519 @ 1040637 ms: x -0.306432 , y 0.842688 , z -9.882432
If I move the board roughly 90deg as the datasheet says I get the readings moving between the axes, so I can get the +-9 to move to the x or y axis, etc. So that all seems good.
But the above readings are with the board sitting on my desk. So does -9.8… equate to 1g? And why are there non-zero values on x & Y when the board is not moving? Do I need to put some code in to add offsets for manufacturing or something?
To get the sample working I had to enable floating point support on the MCU and use newlib so the double values could be printed out. I also changed the setup of the sensor using guiconfig to have no trigger so it’s being polled by the code because I was getting constant reboots with the trigger enabled.