otherguy looks like this board was damaged. Unfortunately I’m not sure if anything can be doe here. I’m not sure why the HPMA is not working though. You can isolate/remove the CSS811 by modifying this guy:
AirQualityWingSettings_t defaultSettings =
MEASUREMENT_DELAY_MS, //Measurement Interval
true, //Has HPMA115
false, //Has CCS811
false, //Has Si7021
false, //Has SGP30
CCS811_ADDRESS, //CCS811 address
CCS811_INT_PIN, //CCS811 intpin
CCS811_RST_PIN, //CCS811 rst pin
CCS811_WAKE_PIN, //CCS811 wake pin
HPMA1150_EN_PIN //HPMA int pin
Did you get the HPMA from me or elsewhere? The connector has a very specific pinout and the HPMA will not work if it’s not correct.