otherguy one thing I noticed from your pictures is that the trace to the reset pin of the CCS811 is not cut like should be. (It’s hard to tell in that lighting) If you cut it where I recommend below that also may help. Ultimately, since the package of the CCS811 is completely gone, it’s hard to guarantee things are working properly.
As for the HPMA you’ll have to change your cable to match the intended pinout. That means popping out the wire connections and likely reversing them.
Here’s a picture of what the cable looks like with only the needed connections. It’s fairly easy to remove the unused ones using a needle or a very small flat head screwdriver.
(Originally from here)
Ultimately the CCS811 likely needs to be removed all together. If you’re feeling adventurous you could always remove it with a hot air gun aimed from the bottom of your board. That process is not for the faint of heart though!