jhox616 Hi I’m Jerrad, I need to setup my Halogram and then know what code I need to use to get my feather posting to a server. If anyone could share some links to the code I will need I would really appreciate it.
jaredwolff Hi jhox616 Here’s a link for getting started with Hologram: https://support.hologram.io/hc/en-us/articles/360035697873-How-do-I-activate-SIMs- You’ll need to activate your SIM first before you can transmit data. As for the server bit, which protocol are you using?
jhox616 jaredwolff TCP/IP like an HTTPS post. I also need to know how to parse PVT and NMEA ( also what object(s) to parse) to send GNSS data to my server. The Nordic docs didn’t specify how to do this.
jaredwolff I’ve mostly used MQTT. There is some code around HTTP/S though in NCS: https://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-nrf/tree/main/samples/nrf9160/https_client I replied to your other thread as well. Hope it helps!