The log file is saved in the application folder you’re building/using.

See that log-2022.. file? That’s the one I’m interested in. When you open a serial connection using Zephyr Tools: Serial Monitor it will automatically generate this file. I’d like to see the output of what’s running on your board right now. There should be output since you haven’t been able to load new firmware yet.

The output from the factory test firmware should look something like this:

*** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.2.99-ncs1 ***
[00:00:00.501,190] <inf> battery: Setup AIN7 got 0
[00:00:00.506,439] <inf> battery: Battery setup: 0 1
[00:00:00.512,145] <inf> app: Test start!
[00:00:00.516,632] <inf> app: device is 0x314ec, name is pcf85063a@51
[00:00:00.525,451] <inf> littlefs: LittleFS version 2.5, disk version 2.0
[00:00:00.533,660] <inf> littlefs: FS at w25q32jv@0:0x0 is 1024 0x1000-byte blocks with 512 cycle
[00:00:00.543,121] <inf> littlefs: sizes: rd 16 ; pr 16 ; ca 64 ; la 32
[00:00:00.550,964] <inf> littlefs: /lfs mounted
[00:00:00.555,938] <inf> app: /lfs mount: 0
[00:00:00.561,218] <inf> app: /lfs: bsize = 16 ; frsize = 4096 ; blocks = 1024 ; bfree = 1022
[00:00:00.570,312] <inf> app: Set up button at sw0 pin 12
[00:00:00.582,031] <inf> battery: raw 9504 ~ 2088 mV => 4176 mV
[00:00:00.588,409] <inf> app: Battery: 4176 mV
[00:00:00.594,482] <inf> app: Accel reading: #1 @ 594 ms
[00:00:00.601,654] <inf> pcf85063a: mode 0x16
[00:00:02.030,670] <inf> app: Timer event valid! Uptime: 1430

    jhox616 NFED on my machine doesn’t have an application folder.

    The app folder that I’m referring to is the application you chose when running Zephyr Tools: Change Project


      Ok this weekend I’ll see if I can generate a log file and post it here. Thanks for all your help!

      When I am connected via terminal to COM3 it just says it is connected but then I get no output from the device. (It has been flashed before, but not sure why I am getting any output)
      I changed my project folder to the GPS example folder but after build and opening serial monitor it doesn’t seem to add a log file or the other files that your screenshot showed.
      Here is a screenshot of the file-tree:


      • I was able to get AT commands working so our connection is definitely good. Something to do with the extension and flashing still the issue…


        So I went back to the beginning and ran setup, init repo, etc. The build time seemed to take much longer which I took as a good sign.

        Still getting(on flash via boot-loader)
        "Device found but failed to open: Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform
        Could not open device 10c4:ea60″
        Then a “NMP timeout” Error…

        One thing I noticed is that while it was building it would not complete all of the pieces (x/x) on each load line. I found that odd…

        I also got this notification: “Load error! Did you init your project?”

          jhox616 do you have any serial terminals open/connected while you’re trying to transfer?

            I’m not sure. The terminal box is open at the bottom and I am getting read out of tasks. Is there something soecial I have to do to open/connect the terminal? I was just using the “load via bootloader” zephyr tools option.


              No, I don’t have any other terminals open or windows for VSC.
              I did notice that I had the compiler path setup to a C compiler that I downloaded off the internet because I thought I had to have one. I removed that but I am still having the same issue.

              Here is an additional line that the terminal produces:
              The terminal process “C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command newtmgr -c vscode-zephyr-tools image upload c:\Users\jerra\Zephyr-2\nfed\samples\gps\build\zephyr\app_update.bin -r 3 -t 0.25” terminated with exit code: 1.

                If you run newtmgr conn show in your VSCode terminal what shows up? Here’s an example of mine:

                ❯ newtmgr conn show
                Connection profiles: 
                  vscode-zephyr-tools: type=serial, connstring='dev=/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART,baud=1000000,mtu=256'


                  Your’s has a baud of 1M so I changed mine to that. In my Device Manager my COM port has a baud of 115200 so idk if that will cause an issue.
                  Yours also lists MTU which mine does not.

                    That looks like your problem right there! Should always be 1M for the nRF9160 Feather.

                      You can redo setup inside VSCode by running Zephyr Tools: Setup Newtmgr just make sure you don’t change the defaults!

                        I was finally able to get it to flash. I’m not really sure what I did that got it to work but hey it’s working :-)

                          Hey Jared,
                          Unfortunetly I let the smoke out of my board by connecting a battery and serial cable at the same time.
                          Can you help me figure out why this happened? I wasn’t getting satellites where I have in the past. I let it try for a whole day and nothing so I assumed maybe this board was like another one I had where it needs more power than the serial cable can provide to get a fix.
                          I need to get to the bottom of this as I need to get a fix and I need to know if this was my fault or if the board malfunctioned so I can get a fix with the next board and avoid what ever caused it to let out the magic smoke it contained. (I tried but for some reason I can’t figure out how get the magic smoke back in)

                            Hey jhox616

                            jhox616 Can you help me figure out why this happened?

                            I’d be happy to. I also replied to your email. Here’s my reply for your reference:

                            I was not getting satellites in view of the sky where I have gotten a fix before on other devices.

                            Were you outside or inside?

                            I was reading the serial output and it just wouldn’t get a fix. I left it for a long time thinking that it needed to download the almanac.

                            You may need to download/enable use of the SUPL client. Though you should get a fix even without it though..

                            On plugging in the battery it smoked the board. I can’t see exactly where but it looks like one of the ICs shorted.
                            My thought was that this board could be powered and read the serial at the same time.
                            I am hoping for your advice on why this happened.
                            I’m not sure if it is a malfunction in the board or what.

                            You need to be careful not to reverse polarities of the battery. Can you share how you made your connections. Pictures would be helpful.

                              jaredwolff oh course. It is entirely possible that the polarity was switched. It uses the small JC plug type (i know that that isn’t correct but I hope you know what I’m trying to say) so it is s male/female slotted connection. I will show you the color wires and orientation so you can tell me if the polarity on the battery connector is not oriented the same as the board. Once that is isolated as the issue. I’d be happy to buycanother board and try again. But until I know exactly what went wrong there is no use smoking another $120 board. I really appreciate everything you do: your product, your service, and the extra mile you go in helping the community. Hopefully this can just be a lesson learned and I can continue on in success with your board. It has been very discouraging but I’m hoping in the end it will be worth it.

                                Yea unfortunately you’re not the only person to fry the charger chip due to reverse polarity. I will likely have to add protection in the next versions. Fortunately, as long as your board didn’t get too toasty it’s likely salvageable.

                                jhox616 $120 board

                                Should be $99. I don’t charge more than that. 😃

                                If you want to save some $ you can ship it to me and I’ll see if I can revive it for a small fee.

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