jaredwolff I’m just compiling samples so this should apply: “This mains power supply operation with battery even if you’ve removed USB. There’s nothing extra you need to do to make this work. It’s built directly into every example built with the circuitdojo_feather_nrf9160ns board definition!”
I flashed v2-010421-1502-merged.hex it appears to be a program that test everything, when I press SW2 it tells me i pressed it, the blue LED is blinking all the time, it is reading the accel and on reset it checks flash and sets up the RTC then measures the battery.
I tried to look at what powers the green LED, it appears it is missing in the SCH-0015 REV 2 schematic
With the battery not installed the program shows 2434 mv
With the battery plugged in 4200mv
The green LED is on and the blue is flashing with v2-010421-1502 with USB and Battery, now the green LED is off, as I typed this.
With USB disconnected, battery plugged in the blue is still flashing.
I can hit reset and that stops the program, if I hold SW2 for a second and release the blue LED sometimes lights and stays blue, other times it starts flashing.
I thought solid blue was boot loader mode? Why would the boot loader appear on just pressing SW2?
I just checked, putting the feather into DFU is explained but not what the LED does, solid or blinks and which color.